Thursday, 26 March 2009

Mavis Klein

I am a psychotherapist of 35 years standing and an astrologer of 30 years standing. For many years, I like a lot of people, approached astrology with a healthy degree of scepticism. To be honest, I completely discounted it.
But in 1978 I was forced to reconsider. A man in one of my therapy groups said he had consulted an astrologer and please would I listen to a recording he had made of the consultation. Indulgently, I agreed and listened to it with half an ear while attending also to the late afternoon cacophany of my children and their demands.
Within five minutes I was astounded. With no knowledge of my patient other than his time, place and date of birth, the astrologer had already said everything - and more - about him that I had discovered over two years of laborious analysis.
I consulted the same astrologer for myself and was overwhelmed by the authenticity and depth of what he told me.
My life changed. I devoured every book on the subject I could lay my hands on, trained professionally, and have been using astrology in my psychotherapy groups ever since.
I hope now to be able to bring some of astrology's insights to a much wider audience.
I don't know why it works, but I know how it works. And it works with astonishing precision. So much so, that if you are not completely satisfied that your horoscope has given you valuable insight, I will gladly refund your money.
I am the author of many books on psychological and astrological topics. For more detail on what I have to offer, please see my website: uk
I do hope to hear from you. By all means phone me on 020 7483 2603.
Mavis Klein

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